WAU have been sponsoring a program called Adopt a Bruder for over 11+ years now. Our goal was to establish a program to ensure that each Former Order member was / is receiving financial support while imprisoned. As individuals, most of us cannot afford to donate to several people each month; as a group, we can form a network with the ability to collectively provide each member with funds, seeing that no one is overlooked.
We are finding it hard to keep dedicated sponsors each month, yet we see pictures of people and groups drinking beer, splurging on a meal in a restaurant, buying junk food and soda, buying new band shirts and so forth, this is not us chastising folk but a gentle reminder that maybe once a month you and your friends could send $10 to our Adopt a Bruder program. This program has supplied these men with money for much needed toiletries, stamps, type writer ribbon, call cards, shower shoes, sunblock, vitamins, treats,snacks, razors, all those simple things we take for granted everyday, we get to jump in our cars and run to the store to get them, these men sacrificed their freedom for our folk and cause, the least we can do is make sure while they are inside that they are taken care of and comfortable.
When we first started this campaign the Bruders were over the moon at the response and support, I remember vividly one of the guys telling me during a phone call that other inmates were wondering why he was suddenly getting all this mail and now able to buy supplies and new shower shoes as the ones he had were beyond repair and use, imagine having to shower barefoot after hundreds of men used the same shower? It is the small things we take for granted.
Our initial goal is 10 people donating $10 a month; we are setting our initial goal low as we have actually seen how little people actually do care at the core of our movement. It really is a sad reflection on our people and saddens us deeply, imagine if we had 100 people donating $10 a month, which is nothing for one person to do every month, help us reach 10 people and then spread the word and let us reach 100!
This month was the birthday of David Eden Lane and next month is the anniversary of Bobs death; why not sponsor one of their Bruders as a thank you for their ultimate sacrifice!! Bob stood by these men, remember and honour him by supporting his kin and Bruders!
Email us at wauirehqs@hotmail.com for how you start today!!
Thank you for your support...

Hail The Order, Free The Order.
WAU Sisterhood
Letters from some of our Bruders..
Greetings T, Y'all have been a life line to us for so many years. As i said to V, if it was not for you all, there were times when I would have had to do without some of what makes life in here a bit more bearable (coffee etc).
RS - October 29th 2017
January 2013
Thank you for the extra funds. It is such a blessing from a people I hardly know or maybe do know in racial spirit! I must admit to splurging on a pint of chocolate ice-cream with chocolate syrup :P And new running shoes.
David Tate
My Dear Sisters of WAU,
I would like to thank you again for the gifts you have sent to me over the past several months. Not only have I been able to afford extra postage, copies, typewriter ribbons etc. But I have also been able to replace things I have needed and I have been able to live without literally pinching pennies. But your gifts have also arrived at a time when I can most use the funds.
For years Misery prisoners have been suffering under a burden with MCI as our sole phone company, collect calls only. Just to call home to NC it has been costing my Folks $2.42 just to connect and .45 cents a minute after that (their last bill was over $100 for just 5 phone calls), and MCI blocked many phones simply because of the carrier (I have not talked to my two sisters, 7 nephews and 3 nieces in many months). Charges were even higher before complaints and suits, and the state has been extorting our families and friends through a state law that allows them to receive kick-backs from prison contracts, and either from outside pressures or past legal victories, we finally have a new phone carrier, PCS (Public Communications Service). 10 cents a minute anywhere in the US and we can now buy our own phone cards! You can imagine the sighs of relief from Missouri Prisoners and families
With your help I can now actually afford to pay for my own calls,and am able to call folks I could not have in some time.Thank You, again. Life inside has always had thick times and thin times where a fellow does well, or struggles to get by. Things are never easy trapped in this place of slow death and insanity, but thanks to you all times have been much easier not having to squeeze by week to week.
There is little news otherwise. I just wanted to thank you again. Take care of yourselves, keep up the Struggle, and know that your efforts are well appreciated.
For Folk, Faith and Family
David Tate
Grateful for Adopt A Bruder Program
Richard Kemp
Tonight I find myself eating peanut butter and jelly on crackers for my evening meal instead of choking down the industrial strength glop they serve in the mess hall. Rather than forcing myself to swallow lumpy, half cooked rice with a gravy pineapple sauce and bell peppers poured over the top of it with little pieces of (I think) pork bits floating in the mess, I am opting to eat snack food out of my locker. As I am putting the peanut butter on the crackers I realize that I am able to sustain myself in this fashion thanks to the generosity of those people who support the Adopt A Bruder program.
I work three jobs and live frugally but the support of the generous folks such as yourself help sustain me through tough times. Yes, three prison jobs and my main job as a clerk in the H.V.A.C shop barely covers my postage expenses. I also wash other mens soiled laundry for extra money. I officiate sports in recreation. Sometimes I even work as a suicide watch companion or help work food service for holiday meals. You would think with all these jobs that I would be rolling in dough.
Just last month the administration found other ways to cut our pay. With all the money going to Bush wars, money is tight around the federal prison system. The staff is constantly searching for ways to cut costs and inmate pay has been targeted lately. Meanwhile the prices of commissary items have been increasing steadily.
Now I live frugally. I send manufacturers cents off coupons to various families that can use them. I cannot stop collecting aluminum cans by digging them out of the garbage for our recycling project where funds go to our recreation program to buy recreation equipment. My only vice is coffee and the occasional ice cream. When someone sends me a magazine at least a dozen other people read it after me. I do not gamble. I do not drink booze. I do not smoke tobacco nor any wacky backy. I do nt use illicit drugs and seldom use the prescription drugs either. I wear my shoes until the hubs rub and the wheels fall off.
I want to thank those of you who gave so generously this past year. I know that many of you have families to feed and are being pinched in the pocket yourselves. Money is tight and yet you were so kind to think of me.
You should know that I do not waste your hard earned money on frivolities. Your gift is the gift that keeps on giving. I take only what I need to sustain myself and then redirect the rest elsewhere. For example, I was able to assist a few families with young children this Yule. I was able to send some money to a desktop publisher of an up and coming ‘zine so she could pay to mail out her latest issue. I paid to have educational books sent to others in worse situations than myself.
Everyone that has sent money, if I have your address, I make certain to send a thank you note and acknowledgment of receipt of any funds that you submit. Some of you have opted to send anonymously. I want to thank you all of you for being so generous. Your gifts sustain me and inspire me to work even harder for the advancement of our Folk. Thank you so much.
Richard Kemp
Feb 20th 2007